Creative Inspirations

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Spirit Filled Poetry

I am a retired truck driver. Most of my driving was during the night and to pass the time I enjoyed listening to Christian radio. Some of the preachers are passed on but most are preaching somewhere in the US today.  Some of my favorites are Adrian Rogers, Jack Graham, Erwin Lutzer, Chuck Swindoll and J. Vernon  McGee as well as my pastors here, Rev. Dan and Rev. Rosser.I listened to Bible studies, sermons and sacred music most anytime the wheels on my tractor and trailers are rolling. It fills me to the brim with God’s messages and helps me keep growing in faith. ​Sometimes I just drove in silence and waited for God to speak. I continue to do this anytime I am driving my personal vehicle. This is something I recommend for every person seeking God’s will.

After taking in the sermons or scripture studies I will often be inspired to write a message of faith. I never know what it will be, just whatever stands out from what I have been listening to. I do know that if I try to put my own agenda together the words get cold and will not come together to flow into an inspired message. If the message is the one He wants, it will come together very quickly. Sometimes all at once and sometimes in bits and pieces as I listen to more on the subject put before me. This part I do not always understand, I just write as the words come and more often than not, the words I write convict me to live better or to consider things from a new perspective. ​This ministry of messages has me seeking to know my Bible better, seeking to know God better, and seeking to be more like Jesus in my everyday life. 

Below are some of the photos that I've taken along the road.  It's seeing this sort of thing that truly puts me in awe of the wonder of God's great creation.  To say these sights are merely inspiration, greatly understates how they affect me.